Travelers Meeting by WE

Travelers Meeting by WE

If you are passionate about traveling, meeting people from different parts of the world, sharing your passions, experiences, culture, languages and want to know other’s then this event is for you! 
How does it work?

It is an informal meeting where travel lovers share their experiences and meet people from all around the world. 

People who are traveling to Valencia want to meet locals. The locals who like to travel want to be inspired. Next to that they want to share about the Valencia region, and get to know other places, learn about others’ experiences and tell their own. 

We will also try to organise some activities from different parts of the world, it could be an international artist with a small concert, a teatre show or a Globetrotter who wants to share their experience to everyone.
If you want to be that person, please send us a small resume of your experience and you will be our main guest of the event. 

When: Wednesdays 20:30 starting (22/02/2023)
Where: Llit de Turia, (Cafe de palau de musica): Passeig de l’Albereda, 30
Important: The access is from River Turia Park. 
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