The original idea was originated in 2008, when 7 people of various nationalities, living in Valencia, decided to meet sporadically with the aim of practicing their respective languages and learning new ones. Today, 14 years later, these meetings are attended by over 150 people every day, with a total of over 15,000 members.
The Facebook group Expats Valencia has over 33,000 members who daily are trying to socialise, help and inform each other, and various service companies cooperate with us in order to make a positive impact for the expats of Valencia
How does Expats Valencia work?
Expats Valencia provides its users, through various media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and its website, with all the necessary resources to successfully establish themselves in their new city. This is achieved by offering discounts on different services such as administrative, real estate, education, and medical services. Expats Valencia can also through a collaboration with Valencia Language Exchange and Wexcursions offer various events (language exchanges on Tuesdays) and excursions: trips to the mountains, cultural outings, karaoke, etc.
Our Mission
In an increasingly globalized world, knowing foreign languages has become an important instrument for social interaction and represents unavoidable need for human beings, because the level of development reached by today’s society demands it from us.
Exchange Valencia wants to promote the learning of languages from a different perspective. The most efficient method to learn a language is imitating the process everyone goes through when they learn their own language naturally, through social interaction.